Sisterly Love

Mary was living comfortably day to day working her dream job – not a lot of money, but a job she loved and she was able to pay her bills. Unfortunately Mary’s sister became ill and needed to be cared for. Mary moved her sister in with her and became her caregiver but Mary later took ill herself and was no longer able to work. While she struggled through her own recovery and continued to take care of her sister, the house started to experience its own issues. First, the water heater quit working, then the refrigerator gave out. Mary continued to keep a positive attitude as she knew it was necessary for her sister. The finances had dwindled and Mary didn’t know what she was going to do to replace necessary household appliances. Hospice Angels Foundation replaced the appliances and assisted with the increased utility bill. This financial assistance was a big help in getting Mary and her sister back on their financial footing.